
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Gen-er-ate good times, come on!

Thing #10 is to play around with image generators. Yes, I'm a little out of order, since I posted about Thing #11 yesterday. But if the theme this week is "play," I figure I can play with the order.

There are a lot of neat image generators out there, and I do plan to go back and play with more of them. One site seems to be something of a clearing house for generators. Do be aware that not all of the generators on generator blog are image generators. Many are, though, and you'll be surprised at what all you can create. I tried the official seal generator, the tarot card generator, and the motivator generator. The motivator can be seen here. I was hoping to come up with some really mocking text, but I wasn't feeling inspired, so it's slightly sappy instead. The picture is from a trail my family likes to hike in Virginia. It's along the Appalachian Trail, and one time we were there we had to stop admiring the waterfall and move on our way so that two through hikers could strip down and bathe in the water.

This may be my favorite thing so far. I can see playing with these and creating gag gifts. But I don't understand the difference between this and mashups (Thing #6). In fact, one of the things I was playing with for thing 6 but couldn't get to my satisfaction was one of the examples used in the Learning 2.0 blog for thing 10.


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